
PRmoment India: Consciously Speaking Released

January 22, 2021

SOURCE: https://www.prmoment.in/pr-news/consciously-speaking-a-short-terminology-book-on-gender-sex-and-sexuality-released

'Consciously Speaking' Aims to Enable Readers to Use Inclusive Terminologies

Sharmistha Ghosh, VP, Social Impact, Avian WE Speaks on the Importance of Inclusive Communications

PRmoment India, Soumiya Awasthi, 22 January 2021

(Image courtesy of PRmoment)

The terminologies that we use in our day-to-day conversations can have a positive or a negative impact. Discriminatory language can intentionally or unintentionally demean people by using incorrect or offensive terminologies in our communications.

‘Consciously Speaking’, a book that aims to enable readers to use inclusive terminologies across themes of gender, sex and sexuality, was released this week by Avian WE, a leading integrated communications firm, in collaboration with The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), its industry partner, and The Rainbow Lit Fest - Queer & Inclusive, its strategic partner.